Making an Impact

None of us could have ever imagined just how profoundly our lives and the entire world would change in such a very short time due to a virus. I am astonished  by the speed and magnitude that this virus has seized the United States. Considering this is 2020, I still can’t believe that this could have been a possibility, much less our reality.

It is shocking that a virus has not only brought the economy of such a great nation to almost a complete stop, but the economy of literally the entire world as well.  The effects of this virus and its aftermath will forever be etched in our minds.

It’s in times of great hardship that our true character is revealed, and forged.  In these moments we must choose who we will be and how we will respond. Will we cower in fear or will we rise up and lead?  

As powerful of an enemy that we are facing might be, the perseverance, resolve, strength and spirit of humanity is greater!  

Every day we are surrounded by so much loss and devastation, and at times we can’t help but break down and cry. The toll that stress, pain and fear has on us is undeniable and at times brings out the worst in humanity but more often, we see how kindness, compassion, generosity, and love, rises up and becomes a banner over us and our battle cry! 

We see people looking out for others, offering their time, energy and finances, to fill the needs that are so great, looking out for their neighbor.  We see people coming together for a cause greater than themselves and cheering one another in gratitude for their service as they put themselves in danger just to go to work, so that we can be safe and still have the things we need.  

We have rediscovered the importance of human connection and unity where there was division.  Hope shines through the darkness as we focus on what is truly important and let go of lesser things.

To rise up and lead doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to do a big grand gesture, in order for it to make an impact.  When we are on purpose to guard our heart and keep a positive attitude, that makes a difference to those around us. When we call to check on our neighbors, family and friends, letting them know that you care, and that they matter, that makes more of an impact than you realize.  When we can show grace, patience and understanding toward someone or in a situation that is frustrating, that makes a difference. Attitudes are contagious, but unlike viruses, this is a good thing to expose others to.

I believe if we can hold onto our renewed appreciation for what is truly important, and the lessons we are learning in this moment, I believe that we will not only get through this together, but be stronger because of it!   I encourage you today to give thought to how you can rise up and lead by example and   DEFY what has been limiting you in this area.


Dealing with Difficult Circumstances