Testimonial From Michelle G.

“I am writing to you in the form of a testimonial because I want everyone (including you) to know how amazing your products are.

The five DEFY Wear undergarment designs that I Beta tested were from the 9/3/2020 style.

Honestly, I only signed up for the Beta test as a favor to a friend. She had intended to participate in the Beta test, but other circumstance prevented that. She asked me to take her place, and I said yes.

Kim, you may remember our first phone call. Well, first it was a grand game of Phone tag, but we eventually talked to each other in the real way. I also remember we talked for 2 hours.

Now that itself is part of my testimonial. I had never met Kim, yet felt so comfortable talking to her......for two hours. We found there were an amazing amount of similar life experiences that brought us to this time in our lives.

In that phone call, you talked about your products, and they sounded absolutely perfect for PwP like me. I signed on the "dotted" line and waited for my package of DefyWear.

When I received the box from Kim, I was so excited. However, I was a little uncertain when I saw that all the garments were Poly/silk blends. I am an old-fashioned, white, cotton "granny panties" gal. All of my undergarments are this style. I thought this would be my first suggested addition or change. How WRONG I was!!

The garments' poly/silk material was slick, and thus made for a built-in "ease of use" feature. Further, the functional aspects of the garments like the loops and tabs were done in a way that actually made the garments so pretty, I was over the moon excited. I had never been drawn to "pretty" undergarments, but I just LOVED these and kept saying to my husband, ‘These are SO pretty!! I am going to feel so special wearing these.’

You can be certain that I also absolutely LOVED the functional aspects of the undergarments as well. I explained those details in the Beta Test documents and on the phone interview with you. At the most general level, I loved having a varied choice that not only fit the functional (boring) part of my needs, while offering lovely design choices that just don't exist right now. These garments are so pretty and have so many fetching designs.

I am amazed to be telling you this: My days of white granny panties are numbered. Never would have thought pretty undergarments would catch my attention and draw me in so strongly that I would WANT to change my style—especially when I was perfectly happy with my existing choice.

In other words, these DefyWear garments are everything I never knew I wanted.

Thank you for opening up another door in the world of "Normal" for PwP. Thank you for helping us to have more functional yet stylish choices.


Michelle G.