Testimonial From Dave H.

“Accessible clothing for the Parkinson's impacted person. Getting dressed is one of the more frustrating issues for PD [Parkinson’s Disease] sufferers due to PD's impact on fine motor controls and stiffness resulting in the inability to reliably complete simple tasks such as buttoning a shirt or pulling up one's briefs.

Kim's enhancement puts an end to the difficulty of pulling up one's briefs with the addition of strategically placed grips. The grips solve the following problems:

  • The grips are easy to identify, making it simple to grab and pull.

  • The grips serve as a trigger mechanism to pull briskly upwards. A trigger is used by PD patients to initiate movement in a more normal fashion, instead of the weak tugs the PD sufferer would normally apply.

  • The grips also allow for a more forceful pull as they provide a more tactile feel, so you don't lose your grip.

  • Grip placement makes it easier to pull over the hump of the rump.

  • Finally, with a faster and easier effort pulling up the briefs, subsequent dressing tasks can be done more effectively.

  • This is an issue as it is just one of the many ways that PD sufferers are frustrated throughout the day.”

- Dave H.